
Here is where you can find recordings of sermons I've preached. Some were recorded in facilities with excellent equipment... but other's were not, so bear with that please.

All sermons after the ones listed on this page will be shared on Forterra Church's website.

Starting Point (pt. 1)

What would it sound like to explain the Christian faith in the most simple way possible? At the very beginning of the Christian faith, there was no Bible, there were no churches, and Greek & Roman culture was completely unaware of the Old Testament. So where would you begin? Thankfully, the Apostle Paul has some great advice for modern people who find themselves in a very similar circumstance!

David (pt. 4)

A clear sign of your character is how you behave when you have power or authority. David had both, and we can learn a lot from how he handled them.

Love Rules: The Rule of Truth

Love Rules: The Rule of Provision

What about Hell? - A message with Salem Student Ministry

Up Next: Week 2 - George Holleway

August 13, 2017

Ash Wednesday, 2017

New Years Day 2017: A New Hope

THE ONE THING: George Holleway

July 10, 2016


July, 5 2015

CHOSEN: Week 12 - Victorious

August 17, 2014


November, 25 2010
